Friday, October 23, 2009

Better Late Than Never!!!

Her 2nd airplane ride! On our way to Utah for my dad's wedding

My brother Matt, me and dad
Flyin high! My little bro Jimbo sending his daughter Sarah to outer space...
Sweet cousins
Angry cousins???
the bachelorette party at bucca di peppo
Aunt Nancy, Aunt Janie, me, my sis Jenn and sis-in-law Angel
nephew Ryan with the girls
so excited they can hardly stand it. kaye was literally jumping up and down in this pic

all the siblings--Matt, Jenn, me, Chris and Jim (this is the 1st time we had all been together since mom's funeral...ironic
Jimbo, Sarah, Angel, DJ
Uncle Boo and Baylee

"i'm tired mommy, i don't wanna go on the plane..."
ok, i'm better now! Bye!!

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