We've been dealing with a sad little girl these past few days. Baylee has a head cold that has given her a stuffy and runny nose at the same time, lots of phlegm in her nose and throat, little weezes when she sleeps (or tries to). Thankfully she doesn't have a fever though. Tues night she had a really hard time breathing while she was sleeping so I held her in the rocker all night so she could sleep. It was a lot easier for her cause she was upright. Lui and I both called in to work so we could take her to the doc...which gave us the news of, "You pretty much just have to ride it out." ok...not what we wanted to hear. But I guess with the weather changing we're going to see more of these little colds in the future. Last night she fell asleep in her crib but she was up every hour. I would rock her to sleep, lay her down, she would sleep for an hour then we would do it all over again. Around 3am she wouldn't stop fussing with just the rocking so I decided to give her 2 oz of milk. She downed it...and wanted more. So I made her 2 more, she ate that too, then fell asleep. She didnt' wake up for 3 hours. So that was good. We both got a little rest. It's tough dealing with a sick baby. Well tough for me cause I've never done it before. Any of you pro moms out there who have some advice for me I will gladly take it.
Thanks to Lisa for watching the girl this afternoon so Lui and I could go to the temple. It was much needed with everything that's been going on lately. Sorry if she was fussy Lisa.
P.S. No, I haven't found my cable yet :(
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago
That is the worst! I don't know if it's harder on baby or mom. When Matthew is sick, we get some of the 'Little Noses' saline drops and have to suck out what seems to be his entire brain. His little nose gets SO full of snot and he can hardly breathe. The first time he was sick Barb suggested that we raise our crib mattress by putting a towel underneath it (or a pillow) and that has done wonders. It helps them to sleep upright so all their yucky stuff can drain out.
Good luck! It's the hardest thing watching them be so miserable... And not sleeping!
Oh, not a fun time! Is she teething? My little Jake has been sick for weeks! Good luck! It looks like you guys are doing well and little Baylee is a doll!
I wish I had the magic answer but I second the advice about the saline drops and bulb syringe. Also, I've sat in the bathroom with the shower on hot to let the steam loosen things up a little. It's terrible when they can't sleep!
Yeah same here, humidifier, saline and snotting their noses. I just got a home remedy email and it helped Emma breathe last night when she just couldn't fall asleep. You rub Vics on their feet and then stick some socks on. Hope she feels better soon. Did they say her ears were okay?
Hey. Swing. Put her in the swing or raise one side of the crib. I didn't discover this until Riley went to Phoenix Children's and that is what the nurses did for Riley. Sorry she is so sick. We sure do miss you guys. How is Vegas? It is suppost to snow all week here. sounds like fun until I have to be out and walking in it. take care. Barb
Dito to everything else. And, I've spent many hours wheeling my kids around in their strollers when they are sick. Inside the house of course. That way they are propped up (don't buckle her in her car seat- just prop her up and buckle her face forward in her stroller) and can watch things around the house as you walk. Plus (even though you are exhausted) you get exercise! Just being positive. :) I'm sick right now and Daniel has had a high fever. So, I feel you!
hey hey hey! i hope your guys are doing well... i need your address to send you a wedding invitation! heres my email kjcreer(at)aol(dot)com. thank you!
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