ok, so today i'm 37 weeks. wow. it's getting so close. so i know many of you out there have been through this process many a times and are much more knowledgable than i, so i was wondering if you could help me out...here's my question:
what do i take to the hospital when the times comes to go? do we need a bag ready? what do we need?
any advice would be much appreciated!!
EASY Crock Pot Mississippi Pot Roast
3 days ago
I was leaving you a LONG comment and I thought it was getting ridiculous in length. I will email you!
Since I have only had c-section I wish I could help you. With Haden I packed everything, and I am trying to remember what I took, with is being 5 years ago, lol. Take comfortable clothes for you to come home in. I don't know if you are going natural or getting an epidural, but take things to pass the time with. Your camera :), an outfit for her to come home in. If you want your pillow for while you are in there, take it. Um...if I think of anything else I will let you know!
I had my bag packed a week before Aiden was born. Most of what I had in it, I never used. But definately take a camera, a comfy nightgown (you'll feel like a different person if you don't have to wear those nasty hospital gowns), and your pillow. Remember that you can always send Lui home for anything you decide you need. I'm so excited for you!
We are getting enough sleep. I am tired, but there is something about those peaceful night time feedings that I sort of enjoy. Just me and Zach, no interuptions. Good luck with everything!
since I had the luxury of knowing when I was going I made a huge batch of cookies for the nurses and the doc's and man was that smart. I always had someone in my room checking on me and begging for another cookie and that was really nice.
ummm, lets see what else...nursing bra, nursing bra, nursing bra! I took a few and my favorite one turned out to be a comfy sports bra style. Everyone told me to take your own nightgown but I never got out of the lovely hospital 'gown' so I lived in my bathrobe and loved it. I would say flip-flops are a must because who knows what has been on those floors and in the shower - eewww!
Jimmy wants me to tell you not to forget Lui, we had a great bag for me but jimbo had to go home for more clothes because our stay turned out to be longer than planned. (he lived in Basketball shorts and a t-shirt that week)
Of course take an outfit for little Baylee but know that no matter how small it looks it will still be huge on her! I also took a few girly receiving blankets and hats.
Humm, you know me the official over packer but it's me and I wouldn't change it. I took everything and just left half of it in the trunk!
Oh yea, don't forget the car seat!
the only thing I would remember is Lui and your camera. Other than that, whatever you need Lui can go home and get. I didn't take anything with Lauren because I was in so much pain, I just wanted to get there. Maddie I had all of the above and didn't need any of it because really all you want to do is relax. Labor is not that fun, contrary to popular belief. Sorry, but it's not! :-) You will be fine. Like I said, Lui can go home and get what you need. I didn't wear a bra the whole time I was there, and I stuck with their robes and their sticky bottom socks. You'll be fine!
Definately have a bag packed and include some essentials for Lui too. Remember your toiletries - especially lotion and chap stick. The little things that you take for granted. I always take a travel DVD player that can plug into the hospital TV and some movies. I got bored with what was on TV.
Monica is right. I borrowed her DVD player one night and it was great to have something else to watch. Especially during Zack's marathon feedings! He takes so long to eat!
I read a million different things online and ended up packing a bunch of crap I didn't need. Bring a good book and a few movies (check to see if the rooms have dvd or vhs players). Bring Several pairs of black or dark exercise pants along with huge comfy t-shitrs. If the pants are a little tighter than regular pjs they will help keep pads and ice packs in place. (I wasn't a fan of the hospital gowns) If you are planning on visitors bring yur make-up. It is so nice to know you don't look like the train wreck you feel like! Don't forget a camera, going home outfits, and snacks. The hospitals will feed you regular meals, but they won't feed your hubby more than once. We had a backpack of snacks, and familiy brought us food from nearby restaraunts - obvously the didn't feed my husband and the hospital food was gross....
So exiting! (I hope you remember who I am and don't think I am just some random person posting on your blog! It is so fun to see what everyone is up to though! So exiting - and you are going to be such a great mom!)
These things can't be found in a bag but they are the most important and all of them are given to you by the hospital.
Epidural, Epidural, Epidural!!!! Pain killers, stool softeners, tucks medicated pads.
Other than that... I love having extra snacks to munch on and music is GREAT.
It is an amazing experience. Good Luck.
Don't pack much I packed a bunch and ended up not needing any of it! Make sure you bring your own pillow the hospitals are awful! Oh and slippers or socks my socks were black from walking on the grouns lets just say hospitals are not the cleanest places!! Good Luck you'll do great!!
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