Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Some Random Pics

Her 1st time in the swing (that she didn't cry!)

I love this picture...

These ones are good too...she's getting so big--I can't believe it...Daddy calls her "chubby cheeks."

This is right after bath time. She almost looks scared in a couple of these pics. I think it was because she was kindof slouched over from being propped up on the pillow

She loves to watch t.v. (and be in control of the remote...just like her dad)

She typically falls asleep after bath time. I think because it relaxes her and she gets all warm and cuddly cozy with mom :) Precious


mandy said...

Adam is going to ban me from your blog because seeing your tiny, cute baby makes me sad and baby hungry! Good thing I have 4 naughty ones of my own to discourage that. She is adorable!

Tiffani said...

Its so funny how different babies can be. Zack ONLY slept in his swing for the first several weeks. He LOVES it. Now he's back and forth between the crib & swing.

Megan said...

Awww....she's so precious! You're going to look back at those pics in a couple months and be amazed at how fast she's grown.